Old Lady Book Club Sundays

Sunday, 13 January 2013
Ode to the Sabbath. I'm writing this blog post from the fireside in the riveting company of cable knit socks, Sunday lentil soup, tea filled crockery and The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart 
Sunday, you are constantly underrated, mostly due to usual fragile alcohol fuelled noggins or uninspiring lulls of dreading the Monday blues. This isn't just a blog post, this is a intervention. It's time to change the opinions of the Sunday smackers and inspire the none believers to embrace Sundays like a soft kitten. Being Saturdays hairy mole is never an easy feat but with some imagination, reading material and perhaps a poached egg, my very own cosy old lady book club Sunday has grown into Saturdays Chanel SS hula hoop inspired bag (hello quarter life crisis). 

My current hibernation venue is around the size of a matchbox, is a gawdy shade of brother's choice of blue and has the storage space enough for Polly Pocket but aside from this I'm putting my cosy interior arranging fedora on and attempting at making it pretty with my tea rooms worthy crockery, car boot sale trawled house shaped teapots and porcelain cats (hello quarter life crisis x2). 

I hope I can look back at the end of 2013 and see how adorably organised I got this year with the help of my newly acquired Frankie Diary via the beautiful people behind the adorable must-read Frankie Magazine 
I can't stop flicking through the purdy illustrations
Definitely just made acquaintances with my daily diary. Howdy papery companion!

A journalistic Victoria Sandwich of organisational fun, overflowing with cutie pie illustrational whipped cream and strawberry jam worthy lists and secret pockets. If anything is going to inspire me to be organised its 
jottings of charming hand drawn cakes, powder blue floral backdrops and lots of space for rambling. It's the simple things that keep simple heads smiling on an old lady book club Sunday.

During the head weary weekdays and confessions of a moody looking commuter there's nothing I enjoy burying myself into more than lurking around other fashion blogs, reading the rambles of the chic witty folk of the online world and pigging out on the outfit posts of the casually coiffed, but my old lady book club Sundays were made for a mini technology hiatus and warm paper publication simplicity. Over time there's been many a discussion and a underlying hoo-haa as to whether fashion blogs are killing the fashion publication industry but in my opinion it's merely enhanced it. Any blogger and garment appreciator worth their bread and butter know the gentle, hair raising art of getting lost in a physical paper bewitching. A subtle stroking of the glossy corners, the vivid bolt of the co-ordinated colours piercing your retina and the rewarding clarity your get with each turn of the page makes girls like me fall back in love with every aspect of my favourite publications each issue. It's just started snowing outside and the icy nature of this house is making my fingertips a nasty shade of cerulean but there's not a thing like the literary hot porridge heat of reading the newest issue of Vogue on a Sunday evening running down your throat. For me, it's a lovely cycle of treasuring, discussing, storing and re-remembering which I'm far to fond of to let go to swap for my need for constant internet quick fix fixating. The delicate and enjoyable merge between street style, designers and blogging has been flaunted by British regular Company Magazine and has totally changed the dynamic and the readership of the publication for the better, especially with last months superbloggers special which I thought was one of the best issues by an off the shelf publication for many a moon.

As you sassy cats may have seen from my last instagram update posts Santa was kind enough to accommodate my book club fetish with this Susie Bubble creation I've been cooing my eye upon for book club Sunday. I'm an unashamed Style Bubble fangirl and have been prying on her blogging outputs from a wee age. This book club flicker recounts the tales of the headstrong and realistic stories of how fashion blogging came to be with a mezze of the stand out posts from the influential big hitters like Vanessa Jackman, Anna Dello Russo, Style Rookie, Garance Dore  & Hanneli over the industries short lifespan. A fond read.
Interesting how the fashion industry found it difficult to understand in the early years, feeling like a growing unexplainable skin tag on the face of the industry in comparison to around 7 years later becoming the quirky and fully embraced beautiful and expressive beauty spot.
I've blogged since the age of 16 and being the annoying perfectionist that I am have been in a dizzy cycle of being underwhelmed with my creative output, getting hot under the collar about it, deleting everything and starting a fresh which is a filthy habit. This hardback goddess really plays on the factor that being able to do this and enjoy it gives the under resourced creative souls of this world a voice, even if it is a sheepish murmur.


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